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Author, Speaker, Educator, and

faith Leader









Rev. Jermine D. Alberty, M. Div. accepted his call to the ministry at the age of 16, and since that, the time has dedicated his life to the service of others. He truly believes that to be the “salt of the earth” that we must serve, affirm, and love each other. He believes that through these actions, the transformation will take place in the hearts of individuals and communities.


He is a proud alumnus of Central Baptist Theological Seminary.  In 2012, he received his Master of Divinity degree at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. As a member of the first CREATE cohort a Master of Divinity degree program he was equipped to assist leaders to guide people of faith into creative discovery theologically, organizationally, and missionally.  


He has also served in numerous capacities within churches serving as a youth pastor, outreach coordinator, associate minister in local congregations in Greater Kansas City Metropolitan area and served as the interim pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in Columbia, MO in 2012, and Webster Groves Baptist Church in St. Louis, Mo in 2014.


Rev. Alberty currently serves as the Executive Director for Pathways to Promise an interfaith cooperative of many faith groups, which was founded in 1988 by fourteen faith groups and mental health organizations to facilitate the faith community’s work in reaching out to those with mental illnesses and their families.


He possesses a deep passion for mental health ministry through personal experience. Rev. Alberty has served on numerous boards and committees, including Board Member, NAMI St. Louis, University of Missouri Equity Resolution Hearing Panelist (Representative UMSL) Co-chair of the UMSL Chancellors Cultural Diversity Council sub-committee, Adult Advisory Board Member, Behavioral Health Network, St. Louis, Missouri.


One of the proudest moments from his life was when he was awarded the Peace and Justice Award, from Central Baptist Theological Seminary. This award epitomizes what he believes he has been called to do to proclaim God’s peace to the world and seek justice for the oppressed and the least of these.


Listen to Sermons Rev. Alberty preached while serving as

the Senior Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church, Columbia, MO 




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